Range of applications
Sensitive industries
Oil is an important source of energy, but the exploitation of this raw material can sometimes lead to environmental disasters. A burning oil well releases tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, and is difficult to control, the impact on the health of the local population is disastrous (affected lungs, increase in the number of cancers).
The properties of Mantoplate and its derivatives are such that they are the ideal solution to control all the risks associated with the exploitation of oil fields.

Their characteristics allow them to resist fire, so they are fireproof, but they stand out from all other products by their extreme resistance to temperature rise.
Any object brought to extreme heat and coated with Mantoplate, will resist any combustion, explosion…
It is the most efficient refractory material.
Mantoplate has the particularity of being filtering, it neutralizes all toxic and chemical fumes, it reduces CO2 emissions in the atmosphere. All industries emitting important CO2 emissions can therefore use Mantoplate or one of its derivatives; it can for example be applied on any industrial chimney flue, it can also be an interesting alternative to particle filters in the automotive industry, greatly reducing CO2 emissions, Mantoplate actively participates in limiting global warming, the main ecological disaster.